Is My Budgie A Male or Female?
First, how old is your budgie? This often plays a role in whether or not you can tell it's sex. If your budgie is not one year or older, you will not be able to tell for sure if it is a male or female. Look at your budgie's cere (the fleshy patch of skin right above the beak where the nostrils are located). The cere will be tan or brown for a female over 8-12 months, and blue or purplish-blue on a male over 8-12 months. If your budgie is recessive pied, lutino, albino, or fallow, the cere will be white or tan on a female, and violet or blue for a male. If your budgie is less that one year old, none of this will apply. You can also look at behavior to determine gender. Males often bob their heads, sing, and are usually outgoing. Females are usually snitty and bossy over other budgies in the cage, and tend to be quieter. |
Picture Examples
Males: |
Normal Blue Cere |
Purple Cere (Recessive Pieds and Albinos/Lutinos)
Normal Brown Cere |
Normal Tan Cere |
Pale Blue / White Cere |
A Good Comparison: |
Normal Male on the left. Normal Female on the right. |